
4201 Schipke Ln
Aberdeen, SD 57401

Business Hours:
9:00 to 17:00


Recommended Motor RPM and Horsepower

I recommend at least 1hp 3450-3600rpm with a 4″ drive as it’s generally the most affordable option. That will generate around 3,600 SFM. We use 1hp motors on in house grinders used for general purpose grinding with no issues. For heavy grinding a 2 hp may be desired.  

Recommended Motor Brands

Baldor and Leeson on the high end but there’s a lot of economy brands that work well. Brands like WEG, Marathon, Ironhorse from and I’ve had customers swear by their Smith+Jones motors from Harbor Freight. I haven’t had any negative experience myself with any motor brand or heard any complaints from customers about a specific brand. When I build complete grinders I use either Leeson or IronHorese motors and have had good luck with both. I don’t think you should fear buying a new motor that’s convenient and within your budget. You should get your moneys worth if used correctly.

Optional Grinder Accessories Release Dates

There are many grinder accessories we plan on offering in the future such as small wheel attachments, more work rest options, SRG horizontal option, grinding jigs and fixtures, contact wheels, rotary platen, surface grinders, etc. There is not a specific release date set for any of these because we’re trying to meet grinder demand first. The small wheel attachment, work rest system and SRG horizontal option will be the first options released because some or all are already designed and built.